We have been parked on the ranch for a couple weeks, watching spring approach as these hills turn bright green before our eyes. Our plan is to head east towards Tennessee to visit my parents whom I have not seen in almost two years. Carlos...

When our airstream is parked here on the ranch I spend time in the kitchen developing new cookie recipes. This usually happens while Carlos is cooking us dinner, so the two of us have fun chatting and doing what we love.Paicines California is surrounded by...

Recently I had a cookie pop up at a local coffee house here in San Juan Batista. I have never had the experience in this type of event, and thought Valentines Day was the perfect opportunity to put myself out there, do a little baking,...

Cooking on an open fire not only adds incredible flavor, but timed correctly can make creating multiple dishes easy. Okay, maybe Carlos often makes it look easier than it most likely is.  However, I am the wife behind the camera and he breaks things down...

Okay, let’s review. I have no job, no address, no experience living in an rv, and definitely do not consider myself “a blogger” with intentions to “influence people” to make money. I would like to influence you to do something you’re afraid to do, and...